For EU/EEA/Switzerland graduates

Starting with the date of Romania's accession to the European Union, the citizens of the member states of the European Union, of the states belonging to the European Economic Area and of the Swiss Confederation have access to residency under the same conditions as those provided by law for Romanian citizens. The national residency competition is usually organized in November, it is held in Romanian according to an established theme and bibliography. The number of places available for competition is approved annually by joint order of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of National Education.

Residency training is carried out, for each specialty, according to a national training curriculum and a scale of manoeuvres, procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, which are mandatory and are the same throughout the country. The stage following the completion of the residency training is the exam for obtaining the title of consultant, which is organised by the Ministry of Health (two annual sessions, in March and October) according to the methodology published before the exam. Only doctors who have completed the training programme can take the exam. After passing the exam, the Ministry of Health confirms by order the title obtained and issues a certificate of consultant.