Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties

The Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties (MSS) is part of the Faculty of Medicine of Transilvania University of Braşov. The MSS Department was established in October 2011, as a result of the restructuring of Transilvania University of Braşov, by applying law 1/2011. The MSS department coordinates undergraduate programmes in Medicine and a master's degree programme in Palliative Care Management and Strategies.

The department has 40 tenured faculty members: 4 professors, 8 associate professors, 15 lecturers and 13 assistant lecturers. Three of them are also members of the IOSUD-UNITBV (the institution of doctoral studies organisation) and are doctoral advisors: Prof. Dr. MD Marius Alexandru Moga, Prof. Dr. MD Aurel Mironescu, and Prof. Dr. MD Diana Țînț.

The MSS Department also coordinates the research conducted at the Centre for Applied Medicine and Intervention Strategies in Medical Practice, part of the Research and Development Institute of Transilvania University of Braşov.

Council of the Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties:

  • • Prof. Dr. MD Marius Alexandru MOGA
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Ioan SCÂRNECIU
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Nicușor Florin BÎGIU
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Luigi Geo MĂRCEANU
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Marius IRIMIE – Head of Department
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Claudia Mihaela GAVRIȘ
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Marius NECULOIU

Office hours:

Wednesdays, 14.00-15.00 – Dean’s office
or via e-mail:

Members of the Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties:

  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Costin ANASTASIU
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Cristian Andrei ARVĂTESCU
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Adrian BĂRĂCAN
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Nicușor Florin BÎGIU
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Alina BISOC
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Elena BOBESCU
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Ana Maria Voichița BOȚIANU
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Daniel CIURESCU
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Călin Pavel COBELSCHI
  • • Assist. Lecturer Ștefania Roxana DIACONU, doctoral student
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Oana Gabriela DIMIENESCU
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Laura Larisa DRACEA
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Cristian FALUP PECURARIU
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Oana Gabriela FALUP PECURARIU
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Mădălina Ileana FRÎNCU
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Claudia Mihaela GAVRIȘ
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Alfred Redalf Alen GHEORGHIU
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Ovidiu Dan GRIGORESCU
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Mircea Daniel HOGEA
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Marius IRIMIE
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Rosana Mihaela MANEA
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Luigi Geo MĂRCEANU
  • • Prof. Dr. MD Aurel Sandu MIRONESCU
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Cătălin MIȘARCĂ
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Maria MITRICĂ
  • • Prof. Dr. MD Marius Alexandru MOGA
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Daniela Viorica MOȘOIU
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Radu Dan NECULA
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Marius NECULOIU
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Tiberiu NEDELOIU
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Petru Cezar PODAȘCĂ
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Bianca Elena POPOVICI
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Ion Călin RĂUȚIA
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Horațiu RUS
  • • Assoc. Prof. Dr. MD Ioan SCÂRNECIU
  • • Prof. Dr. MD Iosif ȘAMOTĂ
  • • Prof. Dr. MD Diana ȚÎNȚ
  • • Assist. Lecturer Dr. MD Ioana VARGA
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Mircea VARGA
  • • Lecturer Dr. MD Daniela VODĂ