Bioethics training

Bioethics training
1) Bioethics training takes place at the university; it can be scheduled only during the period of teaching activities
2) the request for the bioethics training must be submitted one month in advance (applicable for any change in the scheduled training) and signed by the coordinator and Prof. Dr. MD Liliana Rogozea;
a) for the signature of Prof. Dr. MD Liliana Rogozea, an e-mail is to be sent to the email address , with the subject “Bioethics training - training approval request”, and with the attached application, filled and signed by the residency coordinator;
b) the email should include (for residents training in Brașov):
• name and surname,
• specialty, year of residency;
• preferred period for Bioethics training
• residency coordinator
c) the email should include (for residents training in centres other than Brașov):
• name and surname;
• specialty, year of residency;
• preferred period for Bioethics training
• training centre: …………
• Bioethics training coordinator from the university centre of the resident
• Bioethics training coordinator from Transilvania University
• reason for requesting the secondment
3) 3-4 days before the training a mail is to be sent to the address: mentioning:
a) Subject: Bioethics training;
b) in the body of e-mail: name and surname, specialty, approved period.
4) in 3-4 days you will receive an e-mail containing all the necessary information for your training.